Sportsbuddy Isbad - Recovery
Sportsbuddy Isbad - Recovery
Sportsbuddy Isbad - Recovery
Sportsbuddy Isbad - Recovery
Sportsbuddy Isbad - Recovery
Sportsbuddy Isbad - Recovery

Sportsbuddy Isbad - Recovery

948,00 kr 1.265,00 kr
Save 25%

✔︎ Styrker restitution og forbedrer blodcirkulation
✔︎ Holdbart design til helårsbrug
✔︎ Perfekt størrelse på 75 x 75 cm med 330L kapacitet

  • Availability:
    In Stock
Sportsbuddy Isbad - Recovery

Sportsbuddy Isbad - Recovery

948,00 kr 1.265,00 kr

Free shipping

Regardless of the order size

Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfied or money back

Day-to-day delivery

On orders before 3:00PM

Customer service

Weekdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Sportsbuddy Isbad Recovery – Din vej til fornyelse og velvære 🌊❄️

Oplev den ultimative revitalisering med Sportsbuddy Isbad Recovery. Vores isbad er designet til at hjælpe dig med at opnå bedre fysisk og mental balance, mens du nyder fordelene ved koldtvandsterapi.

Fordele ved et isbad:

  • Styrker immunforsvaret: Hjælp kroppen med at bekæmpe sygdomme.
  • Forbedrer blodcirkulationen: Stimulerer blodgennemstrømningen og fremmer sundhed.
  • Reducerer inflammation: Perfekt til restitution efter træning eller en lang dag.

Disse fordele kan føre til øget energi, forbedret humør og en mere afbalanceret hverdag. 

Hvorfor vælge Sportsbuddy Isbad Recovery?

👉 Optimal størrelse: Med en diameter på 75 cm og en højde på 75 cm giver isbadet den ideelle dybde for en komplet og forfriskende oplevelse.
👉 Stor kapacitet: 330 liter sikrer rigelig plads til, at hele kroppen kan nyde det kølende vand.
👉 Robust og holdbar: Bygget til at modstå de mest ekstreme forhold, så du kan bruge det igen og igen.
👉 Fornyet energi: Mærk den kolde vandstrøm vække kroppen og give nyt liv til både krop og sjæl.

Mere end bare kulde – En investering i dit helbred

Sportsbuddy Isbad Recovery er meget mere end et isbad. Det er et værktøj til at forbedre din søvn, reducere muskel- og ledsmerter, samt booste dit mentale velvære.

  • Forbedret søvn: Koldtvandsterapi kan sænke kropstemperaturen og stimulere melatonin, hvilket giver en dybere og mere afslappende søvn.
  • Lindring af smerter: Ideelt til restitution, da kulde reducerer inflammation og lindrer muskel- og ledsmerter.
  • Mental klarhed: Kolde bade frigiver endorfiner og dopamin, der forbedrer humøret og reducerer stress.

Vigtig information til nye brugere

Det er vigtigt at lytte til kroppen, når du bruger dit isbad. Hvis du har eksisterende helbredsproblemer som hjertelidelser, højt blodtryk eller andre alvorlige sygdomme, bør du konsultere din læge først. Overskrid ikke dine fysiske grænser, og stop straks, hvis du føler ubehag.

Tag springet ind i en verden af fornyelse med Sportsbuddy Isbad Recovery. Gør koldtvandsterapi til en del af din hverdag og oplev de utallige sundhedsmæssige fordele allerede i dag! ❄️✨

Shipping & Returns


At Sportsbuddy, we value fast and cheap delivery. 97% of our packages are delivered the next day, on weekdays. This means that you can use your product the day after you buy it. All our packages are sent with PostNord.

Delivery time

All orders received before 15.00 on weekdays will be sent the same day. We send all packages with PostNord. After ordering from our warehouse, you will receive a unique tracking number so you can follow the package until it arrives.

FREE shipping to Postnord delivery locations regardless of order size.

< p> Shipping prices
Delivery to Postnord delivery locations - FREE
Delivery to business address - DKK 35
Delivery to private address - DKK 19

Do you have questions you can contact us her .

Remember that all Christmas gifts can be refunded up to and including 15/1/22.


At Sportsbuddy we are so sure on the quality of our products, that we provide a 14-day return policy on all products. In addition, there is of course a 2-year warranty.

All Christmas gifts can be refunded up to and including 15/1/22.

The right of complaint applies to defects in material and / or manufacture, and does not apply to defects or damage that has occurred due to incorrect operation of the product or if original packaging is missing. does not cover the return costs and packages sent on COD are not accepted.

WHEN RETURNING Packages are sent to: Sportsbuddy.dkVesterbro 21E, 1 th9000 AalborgAll packages sent back must contain a completed cancellation form. This speeds up the return and refund process. If you have problems with your product, then contact us > before sending it back we will find a solution.

Download cancellation form here .

Buy return label here .


When the return package is received, we will review the package and your case. If there is a basis for a refund, we will automatically return the money to the account you placed your order with - if the refund is required in another account, please contact us before sending a package return.

HOW TO RETURN A PRODUCT PRINT and fill out our regret form . Pack the product and the regret form securely and make sure it does not stay damaged during shipment. Buy a parcel label here , put it on the parcel and send it to us.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Where do you have stock and which cities do you ship to?

We have an office and warehouse in Aalborg and ship from here to the whole of Scandinavia.

We send packages every weekday and 97% of our packages in Denmark arrive the next weekday.

How does your satisfaction guarantee work?

At Sportsbuddy, we believe that it is better for you to have the opportunity to try the equipment over a longer period - rather than 2 minutes in a store and therefore we have made a 31-day full satisfaction guarantee.

When you buy sports equipment from Sportsbuddy, you can try the product for up to 31 days without risk. If the product is not for you, you can either exchange it for another or get your money back.

Please note, however, that the product cannot be returned if it is damaged or if the original packaging is missing. If you want to make use of the satisfaction guarantee, it only costs the shipping back to our warehouse.